Epic First Date : Part One

Epic first dates don't come around very often. They happen in the movies, but in real life? Not so much. I went on a truly epic first date not too long ago and the memories of it are still flashing through my head as if they were scenes from a really sweet romantic comedy. And of course, I wanted to blog about it immediately, but I didn't want to jinx anything. It's been a month since this date and I have the blessing of the guy who took me on it to blog about it...so here goes.
When I say "epic" , I am not talking about exotic destinations or events that took a ton of preparation or planning. I simply mean that it was one of those days where it seemed as if the stars aligned, the human spirit was alive all around us and the person I was with was someone that I not only felt a spark with, but he seemed like someone I have known forever.
He is someone I have known for many years, but only as an acquaintance. We were never friends, even though we went to the same high school and we hung out briefly in the same circle of friends when we were in our twenties. When he came up recently as a suggested friend on Facebook, I recognized him as that same cute and quiet guy (though I now know he is not quiet!) and sent him a friend request. After noticing he "liked" and commented on a few of my pictures, I sent him a message to say hello. Our chat lasted more than just a few lines and after discovering that he lives at the beach I mentioned that we should perhaps set up a beach date. He suggested getting together just a few days later, on the Saturday coming up and the only plan we made was to hit the beach and go from there. "See where the wind blows us" was the line I used. The wind blew us on an absolutely amazing day, one that movie scripts and songs are based on.
This blog post will have to be a two part post because it will simply take too long for me to write and way too long for you to read. I will start with the butterflies I was feeling on the drive to meet him. I was second guessing the whole "beach" part of the date because what woman wants to show herself off in a bathing suit on the first date? Certainly not this one. The nerves were getting the best of me. After our texts, I was already feeling a little something for him and in true Brooke form, I was thinking the worst instead of the best. I phoned my sister to have her help calm my nerves. I kept thinking he was going to cancel and when a text came through, I figured it was going to be the "Something came up, I have to cancel" message. Instead it said "Good morning beautiful" with directions on where to park at his place. My sister talked me down a bit but this sweet text calmed me down more. I told myself to just breathe and enjoy the day and to have fun. At the very least, I will have a beautiful day in the sun at Lake Huron with a new friend.
After some parking confusion, parking in one spot, then second guessing and moving and then parking in another spot, texting him and telling him I think I might be in the wrong spot and him messaging me back saying "No, you were right the first time, go back to where you just left from"....gosh I am already a dork and the date hasn't even started yet. I saw him standing in the distance with his sweet puppy on the leash. I walked over to meet him and as soon as I laid eyes on him up close, I realized that I was in more than a little bit of trouble. He was so cute. And when he smiled, I couldn't help but smile. I went to shake his hand and instead of the seamless and simple body contact of a hand shake could happen, his tiny little five pound dog squeezed her body in between my feet and his feet and she got under mine and barely missed tripping me right into the concrete. I didn't go down but the yelp of the dog certainly wasn't my finest moment thirty seconds into our first date. I was embarrassed but he just laughed and said that it was entirely the dog's fault and then he told the dog that she isn't supposed to trip his date!
We grabbed some iced coffees and then headed to Goderich to enjoy the beautiful sunshine at the beach. The talking was effortless. We laughed and when it got really hot, we went for a swim. Our plans were quite literally to just go with the flow and when we got hungry we packed up and headed to the sweet little town of Bayfield. We browsed some menus and finally decided on a restaurant with a patio for wine and apps. We met this group of people on the patio who found out it was our first date and we chatted with them for a bit and they were absolutely hilarious and fun. They had been trying to look for single girls on the patio for one of their friends and were listing his amazing qualities and as we were leaving, I made a joke that I didn't know which guy I was going to leave with. Of course I went with my original date and I am so happy that I did because it just got better and better.
And with that....wait for Part Two for the rest of the details on this date because there is much more to talk about....because I didn't head home until Monday morning!

Writing an "About Me" is not easy. How do I pick and choose the pieces of my life that molded me into the person I am or deem the milestones and memories as important enough to tell you about in this little "About Me"...Well, I often joke that I have Read more about me...
-- Allie & Darcy
-- William